Religious Freedom Further Degraded, Minarets Demolished & Kalima Desecrated Of One More Ahmadiyya Mosque In Debalpur Okara, Punjab Pakistan
Intolerance and hatred towards Ahmadis in Pakistan are nothing new, rather it has spread all over Pakistan and gaining momentum each passing day under the local police supervision. Systematic marginalisation of Ahmadis in all walks of life because of their religious beliefs is not considered condemnable and Ahmadis are being treated without even Basic Human Rights.
On 10th September 2024 the Police while acting at the Farmhouse of a renowned Ahmadi Muslim situated at Subhan Shah Debalpur Okara, under the supervision of the DSP two Police Mobiles arrived from the Depalpur Police Station at around 6.30 in the evening having 12 to 14 Police Officials in it. They broke down the Minarets of the Mosque while cordoning off the area. Later, they removed the Kalima (The Islamic Creed) and the words of Bait ul Zikar (Mosque) while using Cement. This Mosque was constructed before 1984.
Pictures: On 10th September 2024 the Police in Subhan Shah Debalpur Okara, under the supervision of the DSP broke down the Minarets of the Mosque and removed the Kalima (The Islamic Creed) and the words of Bait ul Zikar (Mosque) while using Cement.
It’s important to note that Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh of Lahore High Court in his decision of the case under the name of Imran Hameed Vs State about Ahmadi Worship Places under Crl. Mise. No. 5151/B/2023 in Paragraph 16 has made it clear that the Structure of the Ahmadiyya Worship Places built before 1984 needs no amendment and the Ordinance XX was introduced in 1984, and it must be kept in mind that this Worship Place was constructed before 1984. In the year 2023, 43 Ahmadi Muslim Mosques were desecrated and 7th this year.
Unfortunately, some Police Officials in Pakistan are engaged in such illegal activities to win the pleasure and approval of the ferocious opponents of the Ahmadis. We request the Government of Pakistan to respect and follow the eight-point directive given by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 2014, which emphasised the provision of protection for the places of worship of all religions in Pakistan. The destruction of Ahmadiyya Mosques in Pakistan is in glaring contravention of Article 20 of the Constitution of Pakistan and the Supreme Court of Pakistan verdict of 2014.
The hatred against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Pakistan is an all-time high with persecution reaching every sphere of society. A country which was founded on principles of freedom of religion and belief for everyone is now demonstrating itself on a world stage of being a beacon of intolerance and religious extremism against minorities.
Ahmadi Muslims in Pakistan continue to struggle to enjoy their most basic and fundamental human rights in relation to Freedom of Religion and Belief. The Government of Pakistan must look into this blatant violation of judgment of the Lahore High Court and must hold the culprits accountable. Moreover, it is mandatory that security be provided to all Ahmadiyya Muslim Community places of worship to ensure violence and hate-incidents such as this do not escalate any further.
Human rights groups have repeatedly expressed their deep concern over the lack of attention to the serious human rights violations perpetrated against the Ahmadiyya community around the world and called on the international community to step up efforts in bringing an end to the ongoing persecution of Ahmadis.
In July 2024, a group of top UN Human Rights experts including UN Special Rapporteurs urged an “immediate end to discrimination and violence against Ahmadis in Pakistan, citing documented evidence of “extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, attacks on places of worship and curtailment of free expression, peaceful assembly and association.” Apparently, their pleas fell on deaf ears.
We once again urge the international community to pressure the Government of Pakistan to honor its responsibility to provide protection to all its citizens, ensure freedom of religious practice to Ahmadis, and bring perpetrators of such vicious attacks to justice. The Government of Pakistan must also bring its laws and practices in conformity with international standards as ordained by Article 2, 18 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Article 25, 26.