Pakistan: Extremist Threatens Genocidal Violence Against Ahmadis, Authorities are Silent.
Reports about the Desecration of the Tombstones, Desecration of the Niche, and Desecration of the Ahmadiyya Worship Places Continue.
An extremist cleric has again issued lethal threats against Ahmadi citizens, according to social media videos monitored by the International Human Rights Committee (IHRC).
As previously reported by IHRC, Naeem Chatta Qadri is threatening to invade and destroy the Ahmadi graveyard in Rabwah, one of the most sacred sites for Pakistani Ahmadis.
Qadri is now filmed[1] advocating for the extermination of the Ahmadis as a group as “enemies of the Holy Prophet,” in other words, for a form of genocide.
Violence against the Ahmadis will go much further than the destruction of minarets on Ahmadi mosques, Qadri warned. He said he aims to “destroy their mother,” implying an action aimed at the roots in the Ahmadi community.
The IHRC implores Pakistani authorities to prosecute such inciteful and illegal threats before they result in further bloodshed and persecution.
On 17th October 2024, unknown extremist elements broke down the tombstones of the Two Ahmadiyya Graves at the Ahmadiyya Graveyard at Barali, district Kotli, Azad Kashmir in the area of Bandial and they took the tombstones with them.
According to information received by IHRC, an opponent of the Ahmadiyya Community named Nisar had been threatening local Ahmadis for some time now,” that it is better you migrate from here, otherwise I will make your
life a living hell. I will kill you. I will desecrate the Grave of the Late Ahmadis and will throw them away in the river.” This incident has been reported to the Kotli Police Station, upon which the Police have made a report after a visit.
The Police and Clerics broke down the tombstones of the Ahmadiyya Graves upon the pressure of the opponents at the Ahmadiyya Graveyard at Dugri Ghumna on 29th September 2024 and on 30th September.
On 17th October the SHO Budiana along with the Policemen and pressurized the Ahmadis to bring down the Niche, but the Ahmadis did not agree upon this and not only that they also had a discussion with the Police on not carrying out this task, but the Police demolished the Niche by using force.
Report about the Desecration of the Ahmadiyya Worship Place at a Farmhouse at Chak WB 163, District Vehari
A few years ago, an Ahmadiyya mosque was constructed at a farmhouse owned by a village leader Mr Ahmed Yar Bhati in the area of Ahmadiyya Community Chak WB 163. The Worship Place had a design of Niche at the entrance gate and the design of the Minarets at one corner. On Saturday, 19th October at around 11 Am the Police brought along a worker with them and they demolished the above-mentioned objectionable construction of the Worship Place.
Report about the Desecration of the 50 Ahmadiyya Graves in Goi, Kotli, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)
On 23rd October 2024 in the hours of night some unknown assailants desecrated the Gravestones of the Ahmadiyya Graves at Goi East (Sharqi), Kotli, Azad Kashmir.
This Graveyard was built before the independence of Pakistan and there are Graves of Non-Ahmadis in this Graveyard as well. There are around 62 Graves in this Graveyard having Gravestones, out of which 50 of them have been demolished.
Report about the Desecration of the Ahmadiyya Graves at Goi Charnari, District Kotli, Azad Kashmir:
On 25th October 2024 the unknown assailants broke down the Tombstones from the two Ahmadiyya Graves at Goi Charnari, Kotli, Azad Kashmir.
The Gravestones were demolished by unknown assailants on the night of 25th October 2024. On 26th October 2024 the workers from the Law Enforcing Agencies visited the Graveyards at Goi Charnari and Goi East (Sharqi), where Graves were desecrated a few days ago).
Report about the Desecration of the Minarets and the Niche of the Ahmadiyya Mosque 124 /10 R Khawnewal.
In the middle of the night on 23rd and 24th October 2024 Police arrived at the Worship Place along with laborer on 23rd October 2024 at around 11 Pm and began to demolish the Minarets and the Niche. This process was carried out till 2 Am. the Minarets and the Niche at the Ahmadiyya Mosque.
Persecution against Ahmadis has ramped up as of late, as the IHRC has reported almost daily incidents against the minority group. Graveyards vandalism and Mosque Minarets’ demolition has been a favored tactic of the Anti-Ahmadiyya element in Pakistan for years. This shameful tactic means Ahmadis are not free from persecution even after their death.
In July 2024, a group of top UN Human Rights experts including UN Special Rapporteurs urged an “immediate end to discrimination and violence against Ahmadis in Pakistan, citing documented evidence of “extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, attacks on places of worship and curtailment of free expression, peaceful assembly and association.” Apparently, their pleas fell on deaf ears.
We once again strongly urge the international community to impress upon the Government of Pakistan the need to discharge any absurd cases against Ahmadis and release all held in custody and thus honor its responsibility to provide effective protection and freedom of religious practice to Ahmadis, and ensure that perpetrators of such vicious actions should be brought to justice, to bring its laws and practices in conformity with international standards as ordained by Article 20 and United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 2, 18, and 20, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Article 25, 26.