Pakistan Sindh: In The Jurisdiction of Naukot Police Station, District Mirpurkhas An Ahmadi Was Targeted To Death In Broad Daylight On The Basis Of Religious Hatred
There Is No End to Ahmadis’ Suffering
A provocative campaign is underway against Ahmadis across the country. The government should take immediate action, feeling of insecurity is rising in the community.
Picture: In the jurisdiction of Naukot Police Station, district Mirpurkhas in the area of Fazal Bhimbro an Ahmadi named Mr. Ameer Hassan was targeted to death on 13.12.2024 by two unknown motorcyclists.
The violent action against the Ahmadis is on a high. Innocent Ahmadis are being targeted.
In the jurisdiction of Naukot Police Station, district Mirpurkhas in the area of Fazal Bhimbro an Ahmadi named Mr. Ameer Hassan was targeted to death on 13.12.2024 by two unknown motorcyclists. According to the details IHRC has received the deceased was returning home after offering the Fajar Prayers accompanied by his son. When they reached their home two unknown motorcyclists inquired about his name. After the identification they started firing shots at Mr. Ameer Hassan and they ran away. His son of 12 years old witnessed the horrible incident. The deceased received the bullets in his chest which resulted in his death on the spot.
He was nearly 40 years old. He has left behind a wife, three daughters and two sons as mourners. The elder daughter is 14 years old, whereas the younger daughter is 8 Months old. He was a simple and innocent person, having no conflicts or issues with anyone. He was serving the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community as a Local Office Bearer. He was subjected to severe opposition from the locals on the basis of him being an Ahmadi Muslim.
IHRC in the previous Incident reports has stated that Ahmadis are being targeted in the Murder Attacks and because of these precious lives are being lost. Last week an Ahmadi Muslim was murdered in Rawalpindi by a Religious Fanatic because of an attack with an axe.
Earlier in March, a prominent Ahmadiyya leader, Tahir Iqbal, was fatally shot in Bahawalpur’s Hasilpur district. The 54-year-old community president was targeted by unidentified assailants while he took his morning walk. Mirpurkhas witnessed a similar incident in 2014 when an Ahmadi homeopath, Dr Mubashir Khoso, was shot dead at his clinic. The attack was believed to be targeted and mirrored a similar incident in 2008 against another Ahmadi doctor in the same city.
The hate campaign is being ignited against the Ahmadis throughout Pakistan. As a result, a sense of insecurity is increasing among the Ahmadis throughout Pakistan.
United Nations experts had voiced grave concern in July at reports of surging discrimination and violence against the community, including extrajudicial killings and attacks on places of worship.
The Ahmadiyya Community continues to suffer at the hands of extremists with no accountability of the culprits. These incidents are defaming the name Pakistan. The government must put an end to hate speech and violence against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
“State institutions should root out extremists who incite against Ahmadis and bring the criminals who carried out murderous attacks on Ahmadis to justice and punish them according to the law,” IHRC opines.
United Nations experts in July had expressed deep concern over rising discrimination and violence against Ahmadiyya minority. They highlighted incidents like extrajudicial killings and attacks on places of worship. Experts urged immediate action to address these issues and condemn the atmosphere of hatred and discrimination.
The IHRC requests support to help prevent further bloodshed and discrimination, and to protect the universal and inherent human right to religious freedom in Pakistan.
All governments and relevant civil society organizations should pressure the Government of Pakistan to prosecute all who have been nurturing hatred and inciting violence resulting in the brutal targeted killings of Ahmadis. Pervasive religious violence is a stain on the reputation and image of Pakistan, which professes to be a democratic Islamic state.
This dire situation requires urgent international intervention. Political and faith leaders from across the world met in 2023 in London to secure Freedom of Religion and Belief for everyone worldwide. But in Pakistan these values are not being upheld. For the respect of all that was resolved in the international conference, the world must take immediate and urgent action to ensure that Ahmadis in Pakistan enjoy their full rights to follow their religion and be able to freely practice their faith as required.
We strongly urge the international community to impress upon the Government of Pakistan to honor its responsibility, to provide effective protection and freedom of religious practice to Ahmadis, that perpetrators of such vicious attacks should be brought to justice, and to bring its laws and practices in conformity with international standards as ordained by Article 20, United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 2, 18 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) Article 25, 26.